05 April 2010

Pyknic Clothing Sale

Whats shaking everybody?? After struggling to wake up, straightening my hair and monotonously dressing in the same dress clothes I wear week after week (can you sense the boredom??) I checked my gmail as I do every morning before running to the bus stop, and came across this flyer from my friends at Pyknic Clothing:

These guys have a wicked brand and are worth a look any day of the week. Today, between 5:00PM EST and 5:30PM EST, you can purchace anything on the site for 50% off. Seemed like a good deal to me so I am going to cop a couple items right after work (5PM)

Be sure to check out what they have to offer prior to 5pm so you dont miss the window of opportunity. 50% off people. Do it!



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